Revolutionizing Back-Office operations for California Political Consultants
Introducing Voter.Vote: Revolutionizing Back-Office Campaign Operations for California Political Consultants
In the fast-paced world of political campaigns, efficiency and precision are key. As a full-time political consultant or just helping out a few campaigns, your expertise in strategizing, messaging, and targeting voter outreach is crucial. But what about the back-office tasks that consume so much of your time and are often low-margin and less rewarding? That’s where Voter.Vote comes in. You can learn more reading below and by checking out our one-page summary for consultants here.
Work with multiple campaigns
Get all the functionality that Voter.Vote brings across each of your campaigns! All campaigns private from each other, allow for multiple team members with different access. Get separate billing for each campaign campaign.

Have multiple team members
Give administrators, candidates and volunteers different privileges with respect to outreach, spending money and the like

Set your prices to your costs
Every consultant has a different cost. We give you a budget planning tool that you can put in your own costs such as your print cost and other services
Get a free consultant account
Contact us and get a free consultant account which allows proposal generation, demographic analysis, timelines, projections and many, many other benefits. All free.
Switch between 500 campaigns with a pull down menu
You can now do many more campaigns. You select the campaign you are working on in the pull down menu and everything changes to the new campaign. The timeline, the home page, the budget, the outreach methods, the list generation, the filters and even the billing.
Bill each campaign directly if choose
When you switch between campaigns, you can bill your own account or bill the campaign account – your choice!
Create proposals to prospective campaigns quickly
You can go to a contest with your consultant account (just ask us for one), and generate PDFs of the contests demographics and even budgets with your costs. You can even download into Excel and change things to your liking.
Partner with Voter.Vote
Embrace the future of campaign management with Voter.Vote. Let our tools do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best — strategizing and connecting with voters. Ready to transform your campaign operations? Contact us today to learn how Voter.Vote can elevate your political consultancy work in California.
For more information and to schedule a demo and discuss consultant pricing, schedule a demo or contact us!