About Us

California Political Data

Our Mission

Welcome to Voter.Vote! Our journey began with a simple, yet powerful mission: to revolutionize the technology, voter outreach, and administrative elements of elections and campaigns. At the heart of our vision lies a commitment to championing disadvantaged, underfunded, or emerging candidates and ballot initiatives. 

We recognized a challenge many potential candidates face: delivering their message to Truly Likely Voters™. In a landscape where typical orthodoxy recommends spending a significant portion of hard-to-raise campaign funds on direct mail, the journey can seem overwhelming, intimidating, and costly. But with Voter.Vote by your side, you’re not alone. Join us as we reshape the future of campaign outreach and delivery of California Political Data.

Download our one-pager today to learn more!  

California Political Data and Outreach Services

Whether you’re a first-time candidate or you have a team of seasoned politicos, we work with you to provide a suite of services unique to your needs, budget, and goals.  Get the cleanest, most augmented and least expensive California Political Data. Sign up today and start building a winning campaign.

The People

Our Senior Management Team

Gary Kremen


25 Years of Experience

Gary Kremen is a veteran of both technology and politics, having founded Match.com and serving as the CEO of various tech startups. With over 25 years of experience in the tech space, Gary is a leader in the data analytics and digital marketing space, using his expertise to help create Voter.vote and bring its mission to life. Gary served for over 12 years as an elected official, helping bring clean, affordable water to his communities. 


Frances Herbert

President Co-Founder

25 Years of Experience

Frances Herbert has over 25 years of experience in government and campaigns at all levels. Frances has become an expert in data analytics and digital marketing, helping to drive effective campaigns and engage citizens in the political process. Frances is committed to helping candidates and citizens understand how data can be used responsibly and ethically to inform decision-making and strengthen democracy. 


What they've said about us

🗳️ Santa Clara County Voters! 47% of you haven’t updated your emails since first registering. Still using Hotmail or AOL? 😲 Update your contact info easily with a Voter Action Card: https://files.santaclaracounty.gov/2024-02/eng-varf-fillable.pdf Stay informed and ready for every vote! 📩👍 @SCCgov #SanJose

The race for Congressional District 16 is down to the wire, with just ONE vote separating Evan Low and Joe Simitian. Every vote counts, proving the power of your voice at the ballot box. Stay tuned as this nail-biter unfolds! #Election2024 #CD16 #EveryVoteCounts

Have we failed to engage young voters?

In the March primary, of the total electorate (using Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties as proxies), only a small percent of younger voters voted. @SantaClaraCity @cityofpaloalto @CityofSanJose @CityofBerkeley @sfgov @Oakland

Voter count by city for the contest to replace Anna Eshoo (@sliccardo leading with @Evan_Low and @joesimitian effectively tied). @CityofSanJose leads in voters followed by @cityofpaloalto and @MountainViewGov.

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